Residing in Jacksonville, Florida puts us in close quarters with the military. There are bases in Jacksonville, Mayport and Kings Bay, Georgia. Since this church was founded in 1989 there has been a steady influx of military men and women into our church. The difficulties and struggles of separation that military families deal with, as well as the alcohol heavy lifestyles some military members get involved in, creates a great need for spiritual direction in our countries warriors. Many of those that have served in the military are burdened for the active-duty members that serve in this stressful environment. The base ministry offers help to those in need through bible studies on base, opening their homes for friendship and fellowship as well as providing transportation to our events throughout the month. If you are a military member in need of help, we encourage you to come to our next service and ask about the base ministry.
We were recently given the opportunity to host a concert on the base. The Arena brought our Rock This Way event and ministered with a full gospel message and saw 8 souls saved!

Fireseeds is the name of our Children’s Church Ministry. We believe in evangelizing the world and raising up future generations to be a strong voice in this darkened and conflicted world.
On Sunday Evenings at 6:30 pm, our Children’s Church Service takes place at the same time as our evening service. The Children’s Church ministers (Dan & Rachel Katz) teach fun, structured and meaningful lessons in seasonal curriculums on the children’s level.
Our goal is to spark the 6-12-year-old age group to center their young lives on Jesus Christ and be a light to others their age in the world. From puppet shows to plays, God’s message of salvation and redemption comes to life every service. Within this ministry, youths are challenged to use their gifts at an early age to serve and share the gospel with the communities they live in.
Our Young Servants help those in the community with needs such as yard work for those that are unable and they assist in the services by being actively involved in the curriculum and stir up faith by setting an example for their younger friends, it is evident that Jesus is powerfully at work in our children.

The nursery is provided for children at all services for infants through toddlers. Staffed by trained and screened volunteers, health and safety procedures are followed in our nursery to ensure all children are cared for and loved with the highest standards.

Lifeline is the name of our Teen Ministry. We believe in throwing out the lifeline to the youth of today by raising up a generation of teenagers to help rescue a drowning generation.
On Friday Evenings, at least once a month at 7:30 pm, Lifeline ministry has a cutting edge, entertaining and insightful lesson. The staff ministers to pertinent issues teenagers face, on their level and in their language. The Lifeline ministers (Trevor and Rebecca Meyer) work with our youth hands-on through choir, drama teams, etc. to inspire a young army of teenagers to make their mark on the world. Lifeline presents an opportunity to learn about the bible and put those lessons in action by giving them a platform and a voice to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ and be a light to the world around them.
The Lifeline ministry is seeing a breakthrough in our local high schools, specifically Westside High. We took dramas, music, and entertainment and ministered with a concert to an auditorium of almost 1,000 students, 83 of which gave their lives to Christ! We are still reaping fruit from these efforts and continue to see new teenagers in most services. Westside High School announced Victory Chapel as their faith-based partner and have given us the opportunity to complete an onsite beautification project, as well as multiple concerts and bible studies throughout the school year.

The Bilingual Ministry is an extension of our church, tailored to reach the Jacksonville Hispanic community. We translate all of our regular and special church services to Spanish. In addition to our regular church services, we also meet on Fridays at 7:30 pm, at least once per month, to have Bilingual services and/or bible studies.
El Ministerio Bilingüe es una extensión de nuestra iglesia, diseñada para llegar a la comunidad hispana de Jacksonville. Traducimos todos nuestros servicios regulares y especiales en español. Además de nuestros servicios regulares, también nos reunimos los viernes a las 7:30 pm, al menos una vez al mes, para tener servicios bilingües y/o estudios bíblicos

As a Christian, it is critical to be involved in a community with other believers where your faith can be challenged, stirred and encouraged on a personal level. Our Friday night home bible study groups, located in various parts of town, provide the perfect platform to grow and share Jesus with friends and neighbors. The in-home bible study is held in a relaxed informal atmosphere.

Showcasing a spectrum of internationally renowned artists such as Ransom, as well as, select inspiring local artists such as East to West, and Front-liners. The Arena provides a unique up-close experience that is action-packed, adrenaline-filled, and in your face. The Arena features the latest state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.
The Arena is a free admission, sitting and standing room only music venue. Visit us often to find out what is happening at The Arena next! Thanks for stopping by, come on out and enjoy some great live music, we look forward to seeing you soon!