Sometimes you get to what you thought was the end and you find it's a whole new beginning. We'd like to welcome you to a fresh, exciting new perspective for finding out more about you, your new journey and your relationship with God. Take your next important steps and join us for
7 Sunday Evenings starting soon. is about getting the best out of your new Christian-faith journey—your new walk with God. Living for God is not all about who walks in this door, but who responds to God and is then able to transition successfully into the Kingdom of God—that transition from a life of sin to a redeemed saint. Why do some make it into a new and viable life with Christ and how? is about the difference between life and death, the ability to make that transition. This series addresses the "how" and gives good advice as to the pathway of understanding you should take from this point forward.
What does the Bible mean when it tells us to fear God? Is it a kind of respect or reverence as many in the church seem to see it today, or is it really more of a paralyzing fear that can drive you to your knees in trembling? A clear understanding of what the Bible teaches can lead to a true fear of God—which can ultimately lead to the life we were intended to live. The series follows through the basic necessities of living for God and the understanding that must follow: Fear God, Follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Fellowship, the necessity of sitting under good biblical Teaching, Reading and Studying, the essentials of Prayer and the real meaning of Communion... will take you through these 7 indispensable elements of the Christian Faith and set your new journey on a firm foundation for this next exciting phase in your life—all in only 30 minutes each Sunday evening of the series at 5:00 PM, followed up by our Sunday evening service. is a 7-part short film series followed up with clarifications and a question/answer period that invites us to reclaim the simple, full, and beautiful journey that your experience with Christ was always intended to be.
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